The History of the Kingdom Resistance In The Archipelago Against the Netherlands

The History of the Kingdom Resistance In The Archipelago Against the Netherlands

The Netherlands is exploring the oceans on the back of a desire to get a cheap source of spices and much of it because the trading centre in Lisbon is severely restricted. When arrived in the Dutch archipelago experienced many obstacles, among others, as follows.

Resistance of Mataram

Actually, since 1614, the VOC still based in Ambon invited to cooperate with the Sultanate of Mataram by sending emissaries to invite Sultan Agung but rejected by the sultan. Next, the VOC tried to work together again in 1618 when the VOC saw Mataram having a crop failure due to the war against Surabaya, but the attempt was rejected again by the sultan. It was only then that Mataram cooperated with the VOC in 1621 to utilize the VOC in the face of competition against Surabaya and Banten. Furthermore, the Dutch were allowed to build a fortress in Jepara to be used as a trading office, in addition, the Dutch also gave a gift to Mataram in the form of two best cannons. Over time there was a dispute between Mataram and the Netherlands, the Governor-General of VOC J. P. Coen ordered Van Der Marct to attack Jepara. Mataram did not remain silent through Sultan Agung preparing for the attack on the Dutch in Batavia. The first attack was carried out in 1628 led by Tumenggung Baurekso who arrived in Batavia on 22 August 1628 but this first attack failed. Followed by a second attack by Tumenggung Sura Agul-Agul, assisted by two brothers Kiai Upa Santa and Kiai Dipati Mandurojo, the second attack also failed. No fewer than 1000 Mataram warriors died in battle. The defeat against the Dutch was caused by the granary of rice which was supplied by the Dutch. Besides Sultan Agung, the resistance against the VOC was also done by Mas Said and Prince Mangkubumi.

Makassar Resistance

The resistance against the VOC in Makassar was carried out by the Kingdom of Gowa and Tallo where the two kingdoms merged into the Kingdom of Makassar. Viewed in geographical terms, the location of the Kingdom of Makassar is very strategic in the centre of trade ports in the eastern part of the archipelago. The kingdom of Makassar has many great sailors, and this kingdom reached its heyday during the reign of Sultan Hasanuddin in 1654 to 1669. In the 17th century, the Kingdom of Makassar was considered a competitor to the VOC in the voyages and trade especially in the eastern archipelago. Feeling increasingly difficult because of the existing competition VOC took the initiative to pretend to establish a good and mutually beneficial relationship. This was well received by King Gowa and the VOC was allowed to trade freely. Over time the VOC began to show its true purpose by beginning to file charges against Sultan Hasanuddin.

However, the VOC's demand was opposed by Sultan Hasanuddin so that there were resistance and fighting that occurred in 1633 and 1654. Both resistance was due to the VOC's efforts to prevent merchants entering and leaving the Port of Makassar. Both of this resistance made the VOC effort still failed because of the fierce resistance was shown by Makassar.

The ensuing battle took place in 1666-1667 which became the third war for the VOC against Makassar as well as a great war. With the VOC strategy that invites the troops of King Bone Aru Palaka and Captain Yonker troops from Ambon to attack Makassar. VOC troops led by Speelman attacked Makassar Port by sea, while Aru Palaka troops landed in Bonthain and successfully to invite the Bugis to rebel against Sultan Hasanuddin. So Sultan Hasanuddin pressed and must sign the Bongaya peace agreement in the village of Bongaya in 1667. The failure of Sultan Hasanuddin caused by the success of the Dutch sheep against Sultan Hasanuddin with Aru Palaka.

Banten Resistance

Banten Resistance occurred due to the seizure of the ship belonging to Banten who had just returned from East Java by Dutch ships. This suddenly caused great anger for Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa who subsequently declared war on the Dutch. But this was opposed by his own son, Sultan Haji. Even Sultan Haji demoted his father from his post on 1 March 1680 with the help of the Dutch and established himself as Sultan of Banten.

It suddenly caused a great reaction from the noble aristocrats under the leadership of Prince Purbaya and ulama leaders and people under the leadership of Sheikh Yusuf. Thus the people of Banten did not recognize the government by Sultan Haji, and on the contrary, the people of Banten showed his loyalty to Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa willing to carry out the war against Sultan Haji and the Netherlands.

Sultan Ageng under his direct leadership, along with his son Prince Purbaya and his son-in-law Sheikh Yusuf early in the morning of 7 April 1680 launched a deadly attack on Sultan Haji and the Netherlands. However, due to unequal weapons force, Sultan Ageng's army must suffer defeat and surrender in March 1683.

Resistance Patimura In Maluku

After the British came to power in the archipelago, the power was taken over by the Dutch in 1817. These developments made the people embarrassed to feel the misery due to Dutch policy is very different from the British as the people are forced to deliver crops such as spices and coffee for a very small fee not even paid. This made the people embarrassed to fight in 1817 led by Thomas Matulessy or commonly known as Patimura who was born in 1783 in Haria precisely on the island of Saparua, Maluku. During the British rule, Patimura entered the military service of sergeant rank.

A day earlier there had been meetings on the first Saparua Island in the Kayuputih Forest to discuss the invasion of the fortress Duurstede, they also discussed the election of its warlord on May 14, 1817, which was eventually elected Thomas Matulessy and earned the nickname of the Patimura war leadership. In the discussion of the rulers and youths decided to destroy the centre of colonial power in the fortress Duurstede located on the island of Saparua.

Under the leadership of Patimura on the night of May 15, 1817, the Saparua youths launched an attack on the Dutch by burning post boats at the port and besieging the fortress of Duurstede. Subsequently, on May 16, 1817, Patimura and Saparua's youth managed to surround the fortress. After that, Patimura and Saparua's youth also managed to capture Deverdijk's castle and kill Resident Van Der Berg and his family. Hearing the news the Netherlands brought massive assistance from Batavia in July led by Rear Admiral Buykes.

After that, the attack was launched by the Dutch who made Patimura urged that made him had to get out into the forest and conduct guerrilla warfare in August 1817. In addition, the Dutch can also take over the fort Deverdijk on 18 November 1817. The Dutch also succeeded in executing the captain Paul Tiahahu. As the time goes by the resistance is followed by Cristina Martha Tiahahu who was 17 years old by going to the forest to fight the Dutch. But in November 1817 Patimura efforts increasingly pressed and eventually caught and hanged in the square Ambon front of the fortress of Victoria on December 16, 1817.

Padri War

Padri war is a war that occurred in West Sumatra due to the clash between clerical figures or called the Padri with the Indigenous. A group of ulama are opposed to bad habits such as cockfighting, tobacco, liquor, unlawful laws of Islam and worship by indigenous peoples. Because the Indigenous People who did not want to abandon the bad habits despite embracing Islam, it caused the anger of the Padri who caused war in 1803 to 1833 which was then called a civil war. The battle took place with the Padri led by Hari Nan Nan Salapan and the Indigenous People led by Sultan Arifin Muningsyah.

Indigenous people who felt pressured in the war began to take action by asking for help to the Dutch in 1821. In 1833 the Adat joined the Padri, and along with it in Java also raged the Diponegoro War in 1835 so that the Dutch troops in West Sumatra should be reduced to be deployed in Java, the Netherlands at that time launched a peace tactic with the Padri in 1825. But the fact that Dutch troops still made the pressure on the local people, causing a rebellion from the Padri followed by the local people. Resistance is more easily spread to various places. My lord Imam Bonjol is backed by Tuanku Nan Gapuk, my Tuanku Hitam, and Tuanku Nan Cerdik so that in 1826 the intensity of the battle intensified. Even one of the Padri Headquarters in Tanjung Alam was attacked by Dutch troops in 1833.

As a result of his attacked headquarters, the Padri troops began to weaken with the marks of several leaders surrendering like Tuanku Nan Cerdik. Since then the resistance of the Padri against the Netherlands continued with the lead by Tuanku Imam Bonjol. In order for the Padri War to be completed, Governor-General Van Den Bosch looked directly into the field of battle, he issued several statements in which those who favour the Dutch would be granted privileges. In addition, the Dutch also invited the negotiations with Imam Bonjol, but behind the invitation, the Dutch wanted to know the last strength of the Padri party in Fort Bonjol and hope that Imam Bonjol surrender.

But the negotiations failed, but the Dutch were already preparing to surround the fort, as a result, Bonjol Castle fell into the hands of the Dutch. Eventually, Imam Bonjol and his troops were captured on 25 October 1837 dumped in Cuanjur then moved to Ambon and subsequently disposed of in Minahasa.

Diponegoro War

Babad Diponegoro written by Prince Diponegoro at the time in Manado Prison tells that since childhood he devoted to Islam, he lived with his grandmother in Tegalrejo to avoid the influence of the life of the Yogyakarta Palace. In his war, Diponegoro always upholds the teachings and Sharia of Islam in the area of his power. Kiai Mojo or often called Mojo Solo was chosen by Diponegoro to serve as his religious advisor.

Diponegoro as the son of Sultan Hamengkubuwono III had a great influence, even the Dutch regretted choosing him to be the guardian of Sultan Hamengkubuwono V who considered the Dutch as a threat to Dutch power so that the government was given to Patih Danurejo and under the authority of the resident. Other policies that are considered harassing Diponegoro are like making a decision without being negotiated first. This happened as in the appointment of the prince as the sultan's right, but when the Rachmanudin prince stopped because he had a different opinion with the patih, hence the resident and patih appointed the successor without prior consent by the guardian. Diponegoro opposed this and considered the appointment illegal. Other harassment also occurred in the party, Diponegoro treated improperly by Dutch officials, who made Diponegoro leave the party and alienated himself to Tegalrejo.

Over the course of time, together with the resident ordered to connect the road from the city to Tegalrejo known as Notoyudan road which will pass the place which is considered sacred by Diponegoro because it is the grave of Diponegoro's ancestors, Diponegoro oppose the policy. Diponegoro's opposition caused the Dutch troops to attack Tegalrejo area so that happened Diponegoro resistance on July 25, 1825, after battle Diponegoro have to evacuate to Selarong Cave to arrange war strategy and Diponegoro family evacuated to Dekso. The news of the Diponegoro resistance against the Dutch quickly spread to various regions, the suffering peasants, clerics, and nobles who were disappointed with the Dutch soon came and joined Diponegoro in the fight against the Dutch.

The stronger the Diponegoro troops, making the Netherlands propose peace but always rejected. Diponegoro considered dangerous to the Dutch position in the archipelago, therefore, the Dutch use all the means and strategies for stopping Diponegoro. By 1829 about 200,000 Diponegoro troops had been killed in battle. Diponegoro increasingly pressed and forced to negotiate with the Dutch. The Dutch government ordered De Kock to stop the resistance to make it easier to clear the road used for Culturstelsel. The war resulted in 15,000 troops, comprising 8,000 Europeans and 7,000 indigenous soldiers. In addition, foreign private estates were destroyed, so the people's prosperity disappeared.

Aceh War

The Aceh War resulted from a breach of the London Treaty signed in 1824 by the Dutch. The contents of the Treaty of London as follows the Netherlands ensure security in the waters of Aceh, without disturbing the sovereignty of Aceh. However, the Aceh Sultanate was no longer recognized in 1863 as the Sultan of Deli accepted the Dutch agreement by being allowed to open a large tobacco plantation in Deli. With the opening of the Suez Canal which made Aceh an increasingly strategic position, huge profits, and the greed of the Dutch and British made Aceh alert. At the end of November 1871, the Sumatran Treaty was born in which Britain was obliged to free itself from any demonstration of expansion of Dutch rule in any region of Sumatra. So the limitations of the 1824 London Treaty on Aceh were cancelled.

Actually, Aceh in 1872 had received a warning from Multatuli about the Dutch continued to gather troops to attack Aceh, but ignored by the Sultan of Aceh. The Governor-General of London had an immediate desire on 18 February 1873 to send Jan Nieuwenhuyzen alongside a warship to Aceh.

The first Dutch attack led by General Kohler with 3193 soldiers fired at the coastal area, Aceh troops retreated and fortified at the Grand Mosque. Dutch troops attacked the Great Mosque by firing on the cannon so that the Grand Mosque burned, the Acehnese forces retreated, the Dutch managed to control the mosque. However, General Kohler was successfully shot dead by Aceh troops so that he was replaced by Van Dalen, and withdrew from the Grand Mosque. The Aceh forces consolidated at the Sultan Mahmudsyah Palace. The Acehnese troops continued to move to attack Dutch outposts. Thus the attempt of the Dutch attack failed. So the Dutch chose to blockade Aceh. Over time, figures leading the resistance in their respective regions such as Cut Banta, Teungku Cik Di Tiro, Teuku Imam Lueng Bata, Polem Commander, Teuku Umar, and Cut Nyak Din.

The Netherlands used a strategy of separating the northern part of Aceh from southern Aceh to quell the Acehnese resistance. The Netherlands also guarded the sea coast by the Dutch armed forces. The strategy used by the Dutch is called konsentrasistelsel where the Dutch-controlled areas are prosperous so that the people of Aceh who are against the Dutch surrender their weapons and return to prosperous areas. But the ploy failed because much-barbed wire as a barrier was damaged by the guerrillas and killed its guards.

In addition, Teuku Umar, who had surrendered to the Dutch in 1893, made a comeback in 1896 against the Dutch after a successful take on many Dutch weapons. This condition further complicates the Netherlands, then emerges Dr Snouk Hurgronye who is an expert on Eastern languages and Islamic law. Dr Snouk Hurgronye did the research that the Sultan of Atjeh did not have any power without the approval of the heads under it. In addition, there is also the influence of strong clerics because that is difficult to subdue people who believe strong religion.

Over time many of Aceh's most powerful leaders lost, making Aceh's resistance fading, on the other hand, the Dutch increasingly strengthening its power in Aceh. The Aceh resistance was arguably the greatest and longest resistance during the nineteenth century.

The Banjar War

The Banjar War was a battle between the Sultanate of Banjar and the Dutch colonial government between 1859 and 1905. The Banjar resistance was caused by the following :
1. The Dutch expanded the territory in a disadvantageous way to the Sultanate of Banjar,
2. The Dutch monopolize the trading of natural resources of Banjar Sultanate,
3. The Dutch interfere with the internal problems of the sultanate,
4. The Dutch apply Rodi's work to the people of Banjar.

The Banjar War took place long enough to gradually last until it changed leadership in the Sultanate of Banjar. As seen after the leadership of Hidayatullah, emerged Antasari figure as a charismatic leader of Banjar and also became the centre of loyalty of the people of Banjar who mainly anti-Dutch. Until the end of his life that died due to smallpox that attacked his body in 1862.

The Banjar resistance continues until the next descendants. Until finally Sultan Muhammad Seman in 1905 died because killed until it must end the lineage of the Sultanate of Banjar. It also ended the Banjar people's resistance against the Dutch.

Bali War

The Bali War was on the back of a large number of Dutch ships carrying lots of merchandise stranded on one of the beaches of the Balinese kingdom and the cargo of the ship was seized by the kingdom. The Dutch had repeatedly protested and made agreements about it, but the kings of Bali did not take any notice of it. The kings in Bali still apply the law of the coral prisoner which is the right of the Balinese kingdom where the king will seize the ship that is stranded in their territory complete with all its cargo.

The Netherlands made its first attack in 1836 but failed and negotiated to carry out the attack again. The Netherlands sent its military troops in 1846 to the Buleleng area and there was a battle of the Buleleng Kingdom which Karangasem assisted against the Dutch troops. Bali is led by I Gusti Ketut Jelantik by building Jagakarsa Fortress to withstand the Dutch attack. The Dutch continued to attack Jagakarsa Fort in 1849, depressing Balinese troops, losing their weapons, and the Balinese forces were forced to retreat so that the fort was occupied by the Dutch. The resistance to the Dutch was weaker in the late nineteenth century which made some of the Kingdom of Bali ruled by the Dutch.

The Bali War with the Dutch again flared in 1904 because the Badung Kingdom seized the stranded Chinese ship of trade, as a result, the Dutch managed to seize the city of Denpasar. Finally, the kings of Bali to do bitch that is an all-out war followed by brothers and nobles armed with spears and kris against the Dutch. They chose to fall in battle rather than have to surrender to the Dutch.
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