The Beginning Period
At this time the people of Indonesia began to have the motivation to conduct national movements in terms of improving social and cultural conditions. But the movement is still cooperative and moderate towards the invaders. The organizations that were established at this time.Budi Utomo
Budi Utomo is an organization initiated by Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo. He made a business by traveling to Java to form a program called Studie Fonds or a Learning Fund for students who are not economically capable but have great potential. At one point at the end of 1907 Wahidin Sudirohusodo met Soetomo who is one of the STOVIA students in Jakarta. Feeling to have similarities in Wahidin and Soetomo's thoughts on May 20, 1908, at STOVIA Building formed an organization called Budi Utomo, chaired by Dr. Soetomo.
In carrying out the goals of the organization, the objective of the organization is still vague as its goal of progress for the Indies. With the limited organizational movement that is only Java and Madura but in 6 months, May to October 1908 Budi Utomo successfully established in Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Jakarta, Probolinggo, Magelang, and Bogor
Budi Utomo also held the first congress held in Yogyakarta with the following decisions:
1. Space Budi Utomo limited only cover Java and Madura,
2. Budi Utomo does not organize political activities,
3. Budi Utomo focuses on organizing in the field of education and culture.
In the congress also decided the management of Budi Utomo. Regent Karanganyar namely R. T. Tirtokusumo appointed the chairman of the center of the organization centered in the city of Yogyakarta. But the organization Budi Utomo less interest by youth groups due to several things :
1. Not doing political activities,
2. Priority to the gentry or nobility,
3. Prioritize the use of Dutch rather than Indonesian,
4. Pay more attention to colonial reactions than indigenous reactions.
At the end of 1909, Budi Utomo successfully established 40 branches with no less than 10,000 members. The organization began to decline in 1914 when the World War I erupted. The organization proposed a compulsory military necessity for the inhabitants of the male world or in other terms Indie Weerbar. This proposal was rejected by the Dutch government, with the Dutch instead forming the Volksraad or People's Council in December 1916.
Sarekat Islam
Sarekat Islam is an organization founded by Haji Samanhudi in 1911 in Surakarta to defend the interests of Indonesian merchants from the threat of Chinese sword. When Umar Said Cokroaminoto's entry into the Sarekat Dagang Islam was later renamed the Sarekat Islam in order to run its member organizations not limited to the merchant class. The Sarekat Islam in running the organization has the following objectives :
1. Advancing in the field of teaching,
2. Encourage to develop the trading life,
3. Straighten out the wrong opinion in Islam,
4. Lighten its difficult members in the business.
The organization of the Islamic Society within a short period of time was able to gain a large number of sympathizers from many members, it was motivated by several factors such as the following :
1. The organization defends the interests of indigenous peoples,
2. Religion Islam became a religion that is the majority in Indonesia,
3. Organization is an open organization,
4. Many organizations are led by important figures such as scholar,
5. This organization upholds justice and truth.
Governor-General Idenberg became alert to the signs of revolutionary zeal shown by the Sarekat Islam organization. The activities of the Islamic Society were temporarily suspended in 1912. The Sarekat Islam also held a congress, its first congress in January 1913 in Surabaya resulted in a decision that the Sarekat Islam was not a political organization it had the intention of not fighting the Dutch East Indies colonial government. With the congress also resulted in the decision of Haji Umar Said Cokroaminoto was appointed the chairman of the Sarekat Islam and made Surabaya a center of activity.
To organize the cooperation between Sarekat Islam in the region, the Central Islamic Society was formed in Surabaya in 1915. ISDV or known Indische Social Democratische Vereniging founded by Hendricus Josephus Franciscus Marie Sneevliet had communist understanding began to infiltrate that understanding into the organization of the Islamic Society which caused the figures young people like Tan Malaka, Alimin Prawirodirjo, and Semaun through the Semarang branch are influenced by this understanding. As time went by the organization of the Islamic Society split into two: the White and Red Muslim Union which was communist. At the next congress of the Sarekat Islam in October 1921 resulted in decisions with the enactment of party discipline. In 1924 the Red Society of Islam was renamed the Sarekat Rakyat.
Muhammadiyah is an organization founded by K. H. Ahmad Dahlan on November 18, 1912, or on Islamic calendar 8 Dzulhijah 1330 H in Yogyakarta. This organization has many objectives, especially in the religious field as follows :
1. Encourage in the field of teaching and education in accordance with Islamic religious teachings
2. Enhance and lighten the social life of Muslims,
3. Fixed a false opinion in the teachings of Islam,
4. Promote knowledge of Islam.
To realize the objective program of Muhammadiyah, this organization undertakes several efforts such as the following :
1. Establishing a boarding school,
2. Establish an orphanage,
3. Aligning the teachings of Islam by sending the scholars to the corners of the region,
4. Establishing an Islamic school,
5. Establish treatment hall.
Since 1924 the business of distributing this organization in Indonesia has been continued by Abdul Kharim Amrullah. Judging from the efforts of Muhammadiyah in Indonesia, this organization is only engaged in social and religion, so this organization is not a political organization.
National Period of Politics
The national period of politics is a period in which the Indonesian people have begun to wake up in education and begin to move in politics to achieve independence.Indische Partij
Indiche Partij is an organization founded by a triad figure on 25 December 1912 in Bandung. The triads include the following figures. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Suwardi Suryaningrat, and Danudirja Setiabudi or Douwes Dekker. This organization has the goal of uniting indiers towards independence. Indiers is a name for all people born in Indonesia and claimed to be a land of water Indonesia, both Indo-Dutch, Arab, Chinese, and native. The purpose of the Indische Partij was distributed through a newspaper called De Express.
The Indsche Partij organization was known for its strict program and attitude with the ideals of an independent Indies. Therefore, this organization first sent a request to gain recognition as a legal institution but was rejected by the Dutch East Indies government.
Indische Partij figures also have critical thinking such as Ki Hajar Dewantara's attitude in his writings in the De Express newspaper Als ik en Nederlanders Was or in Indonesian which means if I were a Dutchman. In the writings of Ki Hajar Dewantara clearly will be the satire of the Dutch East Indies in which the Dutch East Indies invite the nation of Indonesia to celebrate the independence of the Netherlands the right one hundredth.
The Indische Partij organization over time was considered to be detrimental to the Dutch East Indies government so that in August 1913 the government captured all three triumvirate figures and exiled them in the Netherlands. With the disposal of the three leading figures makes this organization more and more declining. Indische Partij had experienced the change of name to the Insulinde party, and in 1919 Insulinde changed its name to National Indische Partij.
Radical Period
The organization during the radical period had the character of non-cooperative struggle or in other words, the organization was unwilling to cooperate with the Dutch East Indies government. This organization emerged in Indonesia and in the Netherlands because of many factors including :1. Governor-General Fock possesses a reactionary attitude and does not take a vigilant attitude towards the growing organizations in Indonesia,
2. The anti-colonial attitude in Asia-Afrik is getting higher,
3. The onset of the world economic crisis of 1921,
4. The existence of a statement from Woodrow Wilson who is the President of the United States declared that the right to self-determination.
Organization during the radical period as follows:
Perhimpunan Indonesia
The beginning of the founding of Perhimpunan Indonesia previously called Indische Vereeniging was founded in The Hague by Indonesians in the Netherlands in 1908. The founders of the Indonesian Society were Raden Mas Noto Suroto and Sultan Kasayangan. Actually, this organization only take care in social area especially Indonesian people in overseas. But as the development of this organization is also engaged in the political world it was published in Indies Putra magazine in March 1916. This organization is stronger with the presence of a triumvirate figure who was thrown by the Dutch East Indies government to the Netherlands.
After the first World War, the spirit of the organization grew stronger. Indische Vereeniging also changed its name to Indonesische Vereeniging in 1922. Hindia Putra Magazine in 1923 also changed its name to Indonesia Merdeka.
Besides, as the chairman of Indische Vereeniging, Iwa Kusumasumantri stated 3 principles in this organization :
1. His own ability and strength,
2. Indonesia determines its own destiny,
3. Unity against the Dutch.
Since this organization has a goal for an independent Indonesia, it changed its name to the Indonesian Society in 1925. Since Mohammad Hatta and Ahmad Subarjo entered into this organization, it has made political activity in this organization stronger.
The organization also conducts international activities so that the organization also receives international support, such as the following :
1. International League of Democracy,
2. League Opponents of Imperialism and Colonial Oppression,
3. Linking with International Communism,
4. International Women's Congress.
As the strength of this organization grew stronger in Indonesia in 1920, it created the birth of several organizations in the country that received influence from this organization as follows:
1. Jong Indonesia,
2. Indonesian National Party,
3. Student Association of Indonesian Students.
Of the many activities of this organization, many of the leading figures of this organization follow international activities by participating in the 1926 International Peace Congress of Democracy Congress held in Paris. In the Congress, one of the leaders of the Indonesian Association, Mohammad Hatta, stated firmly to the demands of Indonesian independence. The actions undertaken by Mohammad Hatta and other figures are considered to be rebellious against the Dutch. Because of his actions the figures of organizations such Association of Indonesia Mohammad Hatta, Ali Sastroamijoyo, Abdul Majid Djojonegoro, and Nasir Pamuncak were arrested and tried by the Dutch East Indies government.
Partai Nasional Indonesia
The Partai Nasional Indonesia is an organization headed by Ir. Soekarno and founded in Bandung on July 4, 1927. Members of this organization are mostly former members of the Perhimpunan Indonesia who returned to Indonesia. The purpose of this organization is almost the same as the previous organization that is independent Indonesia with the principle of self-belief. The principle has the intention to improve the economic, socio-cultural and political conditions damaged by colonization by force alone. This organization has an ideology initiated by Ir. Sukarno namely Marhaenisme with the aim to collect unity from the political streams that exist in Indonesia such as Nationalists, Marxists, and Islam.
The figures of this organization such as Ir. Soekarno, Ali Sastroamijoyo, Budyanto, Syamsi, Iskaq Cokrohadisuryo, Suyudi, and Sartono were successful in mobilizing the power of the Indonesian people. On 18 December 1927 precisely in Bandung, the organization succeeded in forming the conspiracy of Indonesian National Political Association or PPPKI which consisted of Budi Utomo, Sarekat Islam, Partai Nasional Indonesia, Pasundan, Algemene Studie Club, Betawi, Indonesische Studie and Sumatranen Bond.
With instead the issue of the Partai Nasional Indonesia rebelling as the Dutch East Indies government to capture the figures of the Partai Nasional Indonesia in December 1929, the four leaders of this organization Ir. Soekarno, Supriadinata, Gatot Mangkupraja, and Maskun Sumadireja were finally arrested and tried in Sukamiskin located in Bandung. In his defense Ir. Soekarno read Indonesia Mengguggat, and finally, the four figures were sentenced to prison.
Partai Komunis Indonesia
At the first Sarekat Islam congress by discussing the incorporation of Islamic principles and socialism. Socialism is the opposite of imperialism and is seen as capable of bringing social justice, prosperity, and freedom of the occupied nation. In the Netherlands, Hendricus Josephus Franciscus Marie Sneevliet, Dekker, and Brandstrder founded Indische Sociaal-Democratische Vereeniging or ISDV. The three figures are in contact with the Indische Partij and the Sarekat Islam to approach the people but fail.
At that time the Islamic Society was a powerful organization filled with mostly radical-minded youth so that ISDV followers succeeded in shaping factions into the body of the Sarekat Islam.
In the early days, the Partai Komunis Indonesia was merely an assimilated movement into the body of the Sarekat Islam. Things are getting worse where there is a dispute between members of the Sarekat Islam in Semarang and Yogyakarta that makes it the Sarekat Islam to do party discipline by banning its members to get a double degree in the struggle of Indonesian movement. The ruling left members with communist insanity upset and out of the Islamic Society and joined ISDV.
ISDV held a congress in May 1920 in Semarang, with the result that Semaun was appointed the chairman of the party, and renamed the organization to the Partai Komunis Indonesia in the Indies. The Partai Komunis Indonesia of the Indies was the first communist party in Asia to become part of the Communist International. The party also renamed the Partai Komunis Indonesia in 1924. Communism quickly entered the people of Indonesia because it considers will soon be free from colonialism.
The Youth Vow Speech Period
In this period the young men in Indonesia not only silent when he saw the suffering of his people colonized at the time. They also moved quickly by establishing a youth association that was initially regional, but over time it changed into a national character.Tri Koro Darmo
Tri Koro Darmo is an organization founded by Satiman Wiryosanjoyo as chairman, Wongsonegoro as vice chairman, and Sutomo as a secretary at the National Awakening building precisely in Jakarta on March 7, 1915. From its name, Tri Koro Darmo means three noble goals. These objectives include the following :
1. Strengthening unity for youth,
2. Strengthening the ropes of brotherhood between the students of the earth,
3. Sharpen and raise the role of the nation and state,
4. Increase science for its members.
Members of Tri Koro Darmo are mostly high school students who come from Central and East Java. This organization has the ideals of Java Raya that unites the opinion of young people in Java.
Tri Koro Darmo also held a congress on June 12, 1918, in Solo, at that time also the name of Tri Koro Darmo also changed to Jong Javanen Bond. In the activities of this organization has activities such as scouting, art, and literacy eradication to become a better future stock.
Jong Sumatranen Bond
Jong Sumatranen Bond is an organization founded in Jakarta on December 9, 1917, and established branches in Padang and Bukittinggi. The movers in this organization such as Mohammad Hatta and Mohammad Yamin. In the organization also has a purpose like the following :
1. Preserve and study the culture of Sumatra,
2. Strengthen relations among youth in Sumatra,
3. Educate youths to become leaders of the nation.
Jong Minahasa
The organization was founded on January 6, 1918, with figures such as Dr. R. C. L. Senduk, L. Palar, T. A. Kandou, and J. S. Warouw. Jong Minahasa aims to strengthen the sense of youth unity in Minahasa and to develop Minahasa culture.
Indonesiche Studie Club
This organization was founded by Dr. Soetomo on June 11, 1924, in Surabaya with the aim of the organization to discuss socio-political developments, to study problems, and to encourage the spirit of the learned. The organization was later transformed into the United Indonesian Nationalist Party.
Algemeene Studie Club
The organization was founded in 1925 by Ir. Soekarno and Ir. Anwari in Bandung with almost the same goal as Indonesiche Studie Club. The principle applied in this organization is noncooperation. The organization was later transformed into the Indonesian National Party.
Association of Indonesian Students
The organization was co-founded by students around Bandung and Jakarta in September 1926 in Jakarta. The figures in this organization include Amir Syarifudin, Sugondo, Mohammad Yamin, Tazmil, Sumanang, Sunarko, Abdullah Sigit, Suwiryo, Sugondo, Sumitro Reksokusumo, and Adenan Kapau Gani. This organization was formed with the element of politics with the aim to fight for Indonesian independence even though its members are students.
Kongres Pemuda
1. Kongres Pemuda 1,
Kongres Pemuda 1 was held on 30 April to 2 May 1926 followed by local youths. At the Congress, the speech of the importance of Indonesia united with the expansion of efforts to strengthen the sense of unity that should be able to grow above the interests of class, religion, and language. Furthermore, also discussed the opportunities of language and literature of Indonesia later on.
2. Kongres Pemuda 2.
Kongres Pemuda 2 was held on 27 to 28 October 1928 followed by representatives from youth associations such as Jong Java, Jong Islameten Bond, Jong Ambon, Jong Celebes, Pemuda Indonesia, Pemuda Sumatra, Jong Bataksche Bond, Pemuda Better, and Sekar Rukun. In the congress was scheduled three times a session that discusses the unity and nationality of Indonesia, education, and the movement of scouts.
This second congress also produced an oath which is the Sumpah pemuda with its contents as follows :
1. Kami poetra dan poetri Indonesia mengakoe bertoempah darah jang satoe, tanah Indonesia,
2. Kami poetra dan poetri Indonesia mengakoe berbangsa jang satoe, bangsa Indonesia,
3. Kami poetra dan poetri Indonesia mendjoendjoeng bahasa persatoean, bahasa Indonesia.
Survival Period
ParindraIn order to unite small organizations, a fusion congress was held in Solo on 24 to 26 December 1935, followed by the Persatuan Bangsa Indonesia and Budi Utomo. The fusion congress produced a new organization called Parindra or Partai Indonesia Raya. In the congress was appointed Dr. Soetomo became its chairman and made Surabaya the center of his office. In addition to the two organizations that joined, other organizations such as Serikat Selebes and Serikat Sumatra also joined. In the implementation of the program, Parindra has several programs such as :
1. Running and forming a massive action to gain a democratic government,
2. Equal rights and obligations and legal standing for Indonesian citizens,
3. Providing political, social, and economic extension to the community,
4. Improving people's welfare in the social, economic, and political fields,
5. Strengthen the unity and unity of Indonesia regardless of differences.
At the time of its inception, Parindra already has 52 branches with 2,425 members. The organization grew in 1936 to 57 branches with 3,425 members. Furthermore, Parindra also held a congress by generating a decision that the organization took a moderate stance.
Finally, this organization successfully occupied its deputy in the Volksraad, with the representative of Husni Thamrin. This organization also received criticism from the Dutch government because it was considered less accommodating the interests of the people.
GAPI has an extension called Joint Political Indonesia is an umbrella organization of organizations and political parties established in Jakarta on May 21, 1939. The organization is led by several figures such as Husni Thamrin, Abikusno Tjokrosujono, and Amir Syarifuddin. In running the organization, this organization has the basis that :
1. Unity of action throughout the movement of Indonesia,
2. National unity of the Indonesian nation on the basis of populism in the political, social and economic,
3. The right to self-determination.
This organization also held its first conference on July 4, 1939, with the slogan of Indonesia Berparlemen. GAPI has also issued a statement known as the Manifest GAPI in September 1939 with its content to invite the people of Indonesia and the Netherlands to face the danger of fascism which works together will be more successful where the people of Indonesia given new rights in government. The new right is a government with a parliament elected from and by the people so that the government is accountable to parliament.
The organization also held a meeting on December 12, 1939, where no fewer than 100 places in Indonesia held meetings to propagate GAPI goals. To further this organization formed KRI or Indonesian People's Congress which was inaugurated on December 25, 1939, with the aim of Indonesia Raya with the aim of improving the welfare of the people of Indonesia and reach the ideals.
In this congress of many submitted demands Indonesia Berparlemen with important decisions namely the flag of Merah Putih and Indonesia Raya songs and increased use of the Indonesian language.
Taman Siswa
Taman Siswa is a body or institution of struggle in developing culture and educational development in a society founded by Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat or better known as Ki Hajar Dewantara on July 3, 1922. The purpose of this body is to educate children to be people who believe and fear God The One, independent, intelligent, noble mind, and skilled. The principle of this institution is Ing Ngarsa Sung Tuladha, Ing Madya Mangun Karsa, Tut Wuri Handayani which means the teacher in front must give an example or example, in the middle must be able to establish a cooperative relationship, and that behind should provide motivation or encouragement.
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