The History of Japan Entering Indonesia

Japan Entering Indonesia

Japan began to enter the territory of Indonesia precisely in Tarakan and Balikpapan on January 12, 1942. Furthermore, Pontianak and Palembang successfully mastered and captured by Japan in February 1942. In addition on February 19, 1942, Japan also managed to destroy the United Fleet in the Java Sea.

Japan also succeeded in landing its troops in Java on March 1, 1942, after success in defeating Dutch troops led by Karl Dorman. In addition, Japan on March 5, 1942, successful in mastering Jakarta followed by Bandung and Kalijati.

The Dutch surrendered to Japan unconditionally on March 8, 1942, by signing the Kalijati treaty witnessed by Hitoshi Imamura as Japan's representative and Hein Ter Poorten as the Dutch representative.

Forms of Military Governance

1. The sixteenth army is led by the Army which covers Java and Madura with its center in Jakarta,
2. The twenty-fifth army is led by the Army which covers Sumatra with its center in Bukittinggi,
3. The second South Fleet is led by the Japanese Navy which covers Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Maluku, Nusa Tenggara, and Irian Jaya with its center in Ujung Pandang.

Composition of Military Governance

1. Gunshirekan,
Gunshirekan was the position of the supreme commander of the military at that time held by Hitoshi Imamura or who had the nickname of the Malayan Tiger.

2. Gunseikan,
Gunseikan was the position of chief military garrison staff who was held at that time by Mayor General Seizaburo The office owned by Gunseikan is called Gunseikanbu which has 5 departments as follows:
a. Shihobu, is the department that administers the judiciary,
b. Kotsubu, is a department that takes care of traffic,
c. Somobu, is the domestic department,
d. Sangvobu, is a department that takes care of industry, companies and crafts,
e. Zaimubu, is a department that takes care of finances.

3. Gunseibu,
Gunseibu is a position in the Japanese military government that has a position like the governor of government with security and order duties. Gunseibu region in Indonesia as follows:
a. West Java with the center in Bandung,
b. Central Java with the center in Semarang,
c. East Java with the center in Surabaya.

Civil Government

Japan in running the civil administration in Indonesia made Law No.27 and Law No.28 on civilian government with the aim of supporting the smoothness in civil administration. The Japanese civilian government in Indonesia is divided into the following :
a. Shu, is the level of residency. In the island of Java is divided into 17 Shu,
b. Shi, is the municipal level,
c. Ken, is the county or city level,
d. Gun, is the level of kawedanan (the administrative territory under the district),
e. Son, is the sub-district level,
f. Ku, is the village level,
g. Tonarigumi, is the neighborhood level.

People's Attitude

When Japan entered the territory of Indonesia, Japan well by the people of Indonesia caused by several factors such as the following :
1. The Indonesian people are already antipathy with the Dutch who colonized Indonesia for 3.5 centuries,
2. Japan goes to Indonesia with propaganda not to colonize but to build for the creation of East Asia,
3. Japan confessed to Indonesia as an elder brother.
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